Extend the life of your tubes for even more time
2/10/2016 4:56:18 PM

Extend the life of your tubes for even more time 

Do you want to keep the tubes of your boat like new for even more time? As your boat is continuously used in the marine environment, your boat will be exposed to abrasions, harmful UV rays, tears, among others. This could accelerate the aging of the tubes.
 Even though HaiChuan Boats uses in all its models the best fabric material in the market today (Orca CSM), the dinghy chaps are suggested in order to keep the tubes of your boats for even longer.
The dinghy chaps are protective covers which are installed on the tubes at all time to add extra years of service and keep your tubes like new for a longer period. Our dinghy which will provide to your inflatable boat extra protection to the UV rays and will protect it from the tears of the marine environment.
For more information about our dinghy chaps, contact your closest HaiChuan Boats dealer.